Judy Crockett

Judy Crockett
Judy Crockett

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Women’s netWork Luncheon Draws Record Crowd

Women’s netWork Luncheon Draws Record Crowd

MANISTEE - - - - The monthly luncheon of the Women’s netWork drew a record crowd Thursday at the Three Fires Conference Center at the Little River Casino Resort. Over 140 women attended the luncheon with guest speaker Judith Wright.
Wright is hailed as a peerless educator, world-class coach, lifestyles expert, inspirational speaker, best-selling author, and corporate consultant. In her first book, There Must Be MORE Than This: Finding More Life, Love, and Meaning by Overcoming Your Soft Addictions, she examines how Soft Addictions often get in the way of a more fulfilling life. In her new book, The One Decision, she shows readers what a fulfilling life of MORE really is, and how making the decision to live a life of MORE changes what we do, how we think, and what we feel.
“We could not have been more thrilled to have been able to bring such an inspirational speaker to Manistee,” said Judy Ouvry from the Women’s netWork. “She evoked so much emotion from the women and she told stories that we could all relate.”
A media favorite, Judith has appeared on over 300 radio stations and 30 television shows, including Oprah, Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Fox & Friends. Magazines and newspapers across the country feature her work, including Marie Claire, Fitness Magazine, Health, Better Homes and Gardens, Shape, The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Herald, and The Detroit Free Press.
“Judith will be holding a weekend seminar at the Wright Institute in Chicago for women in our netWork in early August,” said Ouvry. “We expect many women from our area to attend. Anyone interested can get more information from her web site: judithwright.com.”
Judith and her husband, Bob, are the founders and directors of the Wright Institute in Chicago (www.wrightliving.com), where every day they inspire and teach others to live lives of MORE by making their One Decision. Judith and Bob live, love, work, and play near the Institute in Chicago, and at their conference and training center in Elkhorn, Wisconsin.
Judith Wright was sponsored by Bottrell Wireless, Your Alltel Authorized Agent in Manistee and Benzonia.
For more information about the netWork check out the blog at http://womensnetwork.blogspot.com . The netWork meets the third Thursday of each month. For more information contact the netWork at manisteewomen @yahoo.com

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